Well if you have been following our journey….we are about to have our 1st anniversary. What started with a dream has turned to reality. And what an amazing year it has been.There have been many highs and some OMG moments, but we have not only survived our first year but enjoyed it as well.Part of our strategic plan (believe it or not) was just to trust the universe. Not exactly scientific but it appears to have worked. Conversations over what was our back up plan if we didn’t get enough work to panic attacks when we had to juggle a few too many balls at once. This is where we just learned to stop and breathe, and with the good advice of one of our clients we wrote our goals on a piece of paper and we keep them in view to remind us of where we want to be and what we stand for. Simple but so effective.There is nothing like the power of common values and objectives, and the pleasure you can gain from seeing that you are making a difference and giving clients information, piece of mind and the ability to make informed business decisions. Freeing up their time to do what they enjoy.As mentioned in our previous blogs, it is so important to celebrate success. With that in mind we would like to share some of our client’s successes from this year:

  • Opening a first class restaurant
  • Developing a world first product
  • Moving premises from Auckland to Taupo to create a better work life balance
  • Successful rebranding and systemisation

And ours:

  • A range of clients from Auckland to Taupo
  • Completing a women’s only adventure race
  • Managing our work life balance
  • Building fantastic client relationships

With the experiences and what we have learnt from our first year in business, we now look forward to building our business and continuing the journey with our existing clients.If you're on the journey to create a sustainable business, getting support from a like-minded business is imperative. Let us shout you a coffee and talk to us about our affordable expertise.