How often do you here people saying "where has the time gone" or "I have been busy all day, but I don’t really know what I’ve done!"

A lot of hours go in to grow a business.

Our advice is “just breathe!”

Building a business is not a 9 to 5 job. When we started this journey were aware that it would take a lot of hours and effort to grow a business, a lot of which initially may not be income earning.

Some of the things we did included:

  1. Networking to meet like-minded people learn from them and let them learn about us, and found this to be really rewarding.
  1. Be very flexible with other people’s time – a precious resource – making ourselves available out of office hours. This meant many evenings meeting with potential and current clients, and completing our own administration work.
  1. Learning that it is imperative to take time out to spend with family and that burning the candle at both ends is not sustainable or necessarily productive. We gave ourselves some breathing space (and our families).
  1. We bought paddle boards and go running and have business discussions while enjoying our beautiful lake and weather.

The bonuses are that we are doing it for ourselves, we know we are making a difference to our clients. We are prepared for the work involved and are passionate about where are futures are heading.

Freedom, and peace of mind for our clients and ourselves!

If you'd like to unlock some freedom from your business bookkeeping or administration, talk to us about our affordable expertise. And we'll shout you a coffee while we're at it.